Cat ShepardWriting for Children
Polka Dot Parade

I have never been fashionable. I know who Anna Wintour is, and could probably recognize a Chanel suit on a socialite, but the fashion world is a mystery that doesn’t interest me too much.

But documentaries about creative people who are passionate about their work; well, I can’t get enough of those. And one of the best I’ve seen is the 2010 documentary Bill Cunningham New York, by Richard Press. For those who do not know, Bill Cunningham was a photographer for the New York Times who pioneered street fashion photography. For over 40 years, Bill documented the fashions of the people of New York. He didn’t care about celebrity culture, and took as many pictures of ordinary people on the street as he did famous ones. If Bill took a picture of you, you were officially cool.

So when I saw a picture book was written about him, I dashed down to the library to check it out. Polka Dot Parade, by Deborah Blumenthal and pictures by Masha D’yans, is a joyous tribute to both Bill and to the colorful world of fashion.

It opens with an illustration of Bill zooming to work on his bicycle wearing his trademark blue French worker’s jacket and a camera slung around his neck.

“He who seeks beauty will find it,” Bill said. And he did.

He found it at fancy parties, and on the streets. He found beauty and fashion on models, people walking to work, and even on fashionably dressed dogs.

The book is filled with quotes from Bill himself about his work philosophy as well as his thoughts about fashion. Many of the illustrations show him at work behind the camera, or choosing photos for the Times, or out on the streets watching the colorful parade of fashionable people walk by. The vivid watercolors by Masha D’yans practically leap off the pages, showing the joy and vibrancy of the people who “made fashion, not followed it”. Bill was like a museum curator, looking for original works of art, only his finds were people wearing stylish clothes that he captured on film. Reading his story, you can understand why Bill Cunningham found his work so satisfying, though he said of his life

“I don’t work, Bill said. I only know how to have fun every day.”

A great picture book for aspiring fashionistas or photographers, but also for those who like to see an enthusiast pursuing their passion. There is an author’s note in back with a bibliography for more info. Read the book to a child, then go watch the documentary. And then add some color and spice to your wardrobe.

Fashion, after all, is about being true to yourself, whoever you are.

Good advice for everyone, no matter what you are wearing.

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